Wednesday, 29 August 2012

sightseeing in nova scotia: kejimkujik & miscellaneous south shore

All images are from either a Holga 120N or a Hasselblad 500 C/M

Kejimkujik National Park
Frozen Ocean Lake, Kejimkujik
Frozen Ocean Lake, Kejimkujik
Frozen Ocean Lake, Kejimkujik
Three Churches, Mahone Bay (Holga)
Three Churches (Hasselblad)
Chester Connection Trail, Chester
Chester Connection Trail, Chester
Marriott's Cove, Chester
Marriott's Cove, Chester
Shore Road, Liverpool
Shore Road, Liverpool
Western Head, Liverpool 
Moose Harbour, Liverpool
Beach Meadows Beach, Brooklyn


  1. you are getting too good. love the three churches.

    1. thanks, Cara :) three churches is purportedly the most photographed location in nova scotia. i'm not sure how one measures that, but i made sure to get it on each camera to help bolster its reputation

  2. gorgeous images Nicole :)
